
Hurm...sape yg pergi nih...?

It was Monday morning...i suddenly woke up to the voice of my frenz, to the sounds of luggage being carried out to the lounge...the first thing i did was to sit on my chair n give my laptop a morning kiss..huahua...well dats very routine~

I got out from my room after i finally gave up to enter YOUTUBE site!! virus detected!! It really tensed me up..duhh~~

The tense keep rising as i walked thru the lounge making my way to the bathroom...big big bags on the floor with thousands of things to be packed!! They're going back to MALAYSIA!!??

I let the rain drops from the shower massage my body while imagining what will actually happen for the next two months?? Me and another this huge white house? Wut shud we do? How do we spend our time when there's only TWO OF US? aku tgk ko, ko tgk aku..camtu ke?

Sadness n loneliness is wut i actually feel rite now.....

Is this how my late grandparents feel everytime we're going back to KL after a week of Raya at Kampung? Cuz i always saw tears running down my Mek's(grandma) face when we kissed her goodbye.. Ayoh (grandpa) wud stand at the door with his bitter smile, tata-ing us until we're out of his sight...this touching moment is very fresh in my memory..i wud always miss my Ayoh n Mek...they're good person..they're my best memory ever!

Everytime we visit Ayoh n Mek at Kampung.....
Ayoh wud definitely take us for a ride on his 'lori burok'..we stand merrily on the back of da truck..we go round da Kampung.. taking every breath of fresh air.. saying Hi to all the villagers.. Ayoh is very EVERYBODY...!! He's is a very nice one.. He gave me ideas of being good to everybody..
He always asked me to go out with him.. He drove his black Datsun with me on his side..searching things dat Mek asked him to buy..huhu..he's cute! hurm..i missed him...
When he was sitting in front of the house, he called us down..asked each of us to stand on his feet..wut did he do? he calculate our weight by counting how many times he can lift us up with his always believe the older ones!! i do trust him anyway~ cuz i ate a lot n he told me dat my weight increased every year!! (yeah dats natural~)

Well.. Mek is very caring..she likes to cook Gulai Ayam which i liked the most! no one can ever cook like her... the best part is..when she did the cooking, she wud also be the one to 'suap' all of us,her CUCU!! We sat around her...waiting for our turn to be feed..haha... the taste of her fingers are undescribable..the feeling of love..her smile was so sweet... there, she taught us about patience...
at times..she asked me to massage her..this is when she told me the stories of her life... sumtimes i wonder why she keep repeating the same old stories..? but now i know.. she's happy when she did dat...i missed her too...

The person we love wud do everything they could, just make us happy..just to make us a better person..just to see smile on our face... But we will never realise dat we really love n appreciate them till the time when they have to leave us......FOREVER.....


Anonymous said...

dear sue,u make me miss my grandparents too!...

Anonymous said...

dear sue

(tiru gaya sam)
saje tggl komen . hee

Anonymous said...

salah anta..